Sites are the highest level of the place hierarchy, representing the overview of a geographical area, containing one or more buildings. To create a new site for your org:
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mutation { createSite(input: { site: { name: "Site Name" } }) { site { id name } } }
If you need to make any changes to an existing site, you would use updateSite - currently the only available field you can change for a site will be the name:
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mutation { updateSite( input: { site: { id: "SITENxx8N7WX5SZLBGysBNAbCd", name: "Site Name Update" } } ) { site { name } } }
To delete a site, you'll just call deleteSite and include the ID; note this is irreversible, so triple check you have the right ID before moving forward. We have to include something in the return fields, so we'll select the underscore. As long as you get a 200 OK and a JSON response back, the deletion should be successful.
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mutation { deleteSite(input: { id: "SITENxx8N7WX5SZLBGysBNAbCd" }) { _ } }
Buildings need to be part of a Site, so if you don't have a Site yet, go ahead and add one of those first. You'll need the siteId, so best to have that retrieved at this point as well. Otherwise, the createBuilding is only a little more complicated than creating a site - primarily because you need the building's address information. As we provide services to countries worldwide, our address fields are labeled with the intent to be as regionally agnostic as possible - they break down like this:
Here's an example showing how to create a building:
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mutation { createBuilding( input: { building: { name: "Stark Tower" address: { countryName: "USA" streetAddress: "200 Park Ave" locality: "New York City" region: "New York" postalCode: "10166" } siteId: "SITENxx8N7WX5SZLBGysBNAbCd" } } ) { building { id name } } }
If you wanted to update something about the building, such as the name or address, you would use updateBuilding. The syntax is very similar to updating a site, you just have more you can work with when updating a building. Note that you do not need to include all the fields to update one - i.e. you don't need to include the address if you want to update just the name.
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mutation { updateBuilding( input: { building: { id: "BLDG2w3qJHY77APFPuzSpAAbCd", name: "Oscorp Tower" } } ) { building { name } } }
To delete a building, you'll just call deleteBuilding and include the ID; note this is irreversible, so triple check you have the right ID before moving forward. We have to include something in the return fields, so we'll select the underscore. As long as you get a 200 OK and a JSON response back, the deletion should be successful.
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mutation { deleteBuilding(input: { id: "BLDG2w3qJHY77APFPuzSpAAbCd" }) { _ } }
After creating a building, you will need to add Floors to it. Floors add a layer of complexity, as you will need GeoJSON coordinates included in order to create the shape of your building. Typically each floor will have the same coordinates, although in the case of larger buildings like skyscrapers, the top floors may have varied dimensions.
Here's the syntax to add a floor with coordinates generated using the browser tool; other methods are available, typically programmatically. Note the parameter level - you'll want to include that value to determine which floor you're creating. We use the international standard, which defines the "first floor" as level: 0, essentially the ground floor. Each floor from there will be 1, 2, 3 and so on:
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mutation { createFloor( input: { floor: { name: "Ground Floor" buildingId: "BLDG2w3qJHY77APFPuzSpAAbCd" level: 0 geoshape: { type: "Polygon" coordinates: [ [ [-73.97800, 40.75259] [-73.97704, 40.75217] [-73.97587, 40.75376] [-73.97680, 40.75414] [-73.97800, 40.75259] ] ] } } } ) { floor { id name geoshape } } }
If you wanted to update something about the floor, such as the name, level or geoshape, you would use updateFloor. The syntax is very similar to creating a floor, or updating a site/building - note there are two possible IDs to include, the buildingId and just id. The latter represents the ID of the floor itself, and is required. Also note that you do not need to include all the fields to update one - i.e. you don't need to include the level if you want to update just the name of the floor.
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mutation { updateFloor( input: { floor: { name: "First Floor" buildingId: "BLDGMkpsn2NJ75X99tFX4nAbCd" id: "FLRNQsSkiMZeTfeVwPmNBAbCd" } } ) { floor { id name } } }
To delete a floor, you'll just call deleteFloor and include the ID; note this is irreversible, so triple check you have the right ID before moving forward. We have to include something in the return fields, so we'll select the underscore. As long as you get a 200 OK and a JSON response back, the deletion should be successful.
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mutation { deleteFloor(input: { id: "FLRNQsSkiMZeTfeVwPmNBAbCd" }) { _ } }
Spaces represent the individual rooms on a floor, like an office or a break room. To create a space, you'll make a call to createSpace with the necessary fields. You'll need a name, and will need to add the floorId where the space exists, and spaces will also need geoJSON data, like floors, as they need to be represented within the floor's geography.
Spaces also have a field called exactType. This field corresponds to the Brick Schema Location type for Space, and should be the one most refined / granular that represents how the space is used. You can go generic, like Room, but if you know the space is an Office, it's best to use that instead.
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mutation { createSpace( input: { space: { name: "Cafe" exactType: ["Room"] floorId: "FLRNQsSkiMZeTfeVwPmNBAbCd" geoshape: { type: "Polygon" coordinates: [ [ [-73.97626, 40.75391] [-73.97642, 40.75365] [-73.97624, 40.75359] [-73.97607, 40.75383] [-73.97626, 40.75391] ] ] } } } ) { space { id name geoshape } } }
If you wanted to update something about the space, such as the name, exactType or geoshape, you would use updateSpace. The syntax is very similar to creating a space, or updating a floor - note there are two possible IDs to include, the floorId and just id. The latter represents the ID of the floor itself, and is required. Also note that you do not need to include all the fields to update one - i.e. you don't need to include the exactType if you want to update just the name of the space.
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mutation { updateSpace( input: { space: { name: "Breakroom" floorId: "FLRNQsSkiMZeTfeVwPmNBAbCd" id: "SPCXWuZRuYs3YN12Syni3AbCd" } } ) { space { id name } } }
To delete a space, you'll just call deleteSpace and include the ID; note this is irreversible, so triple check you have the right ID before moving forward. We have to include something in the return fields, so we'll select the underscore. As long as you get a 200 OK and a JSON response back, the deletion should be successful.
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mutation { deleteFloor(input: { id: "SPCXWuZRuYs3YN12Syni3AbCd" }) { _ } }