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CSV Connector


The CSV Source Connector allows you to take exports from your building systems and import them into your Mapped graph via CSV file. The Connector's configuration wizard will guide you step by step, from selecting and uploading your file, to mapping the data to the correct Site, to aligning the rows in the CSV with the fields in the Mapped graph.


The schema for the CSV Connector is as follows:

  • buildingAddress
  • buildingRefId
  • floorRefId
  • floorLevel
  • floorName
  • spaceRefId
  • spaceName
  • thingRefId
  • thingName
  • pointName
  • pointValue
  • pointTimeStamp

Business Rules

There are a number of rules that control the process of importing data via a CSV file:

  • Building address is always required, so the connector can either map to an existing building or create a new one. The building address is validated by an address validation service.
  • If you don't have a building ID mapped to the buildingRefId field, one will be automatically populated based on the unique building address.
  • The data follows a hierarchy of requirements: Point requires a Thing, Thing requires a Space or a Floor, Space requires a Floor.
  • A Point requires both a Point Value and a Point Timestamp.
  • If an item (such as a Space, Thing, or Point) is included, then an associated refId is also required.
  • Floor Level and Point Value must be a valid number; we do not currently support other types for Point Values.

Other Considerations

  • Larger datasets may be cumbersome for the connector - if your CSV contains over 500 unique devices, consider breaking it up into multiple import files.

  • After you submit your CSV, our system will import the data in the background. You are free to return to the Mapped Console after submission, and can see the data populate via the Explorer Grid View.