Utilize Mapped's Weatherbit connector to create a virtual weather station on top of each of your buildings. With this connector, you can receive current weather data for your building's location such as air temperature, rainfall, humidity percentage, wind speed, pressure and solar radiation.
Some possible use cases for weather data include:
There are no auth requirements for the Weatherbit Connector.
You may select what unit system you would like to use for temperature and other measurements when configuring this connector. The options are: Metric, Imperial, and Scientific. When selected, the following points will utilize the following units:
Point | Metric Unit | Imperial Unit | Scientific Unit |
DewpointSensor | DEG_C | DEG_F | K |
PrecipitationSensor | MilliM-PER-HR | IN3-PER-HR | MilliM-PER-HR |
RelativeHumiditySensor | PERCENT_RH | PERCENT_RH | PERCENT_RH |
SeaLevelAirPressureSensor | MilliBAR | MilliBAR | MilliBAR |
SnowAccumulationSensor | MilliM-PER-HR | IN3-PER-HR | MilliM-PER-HR |
SolarIrradianceSensor | W-PER-M2 | W-PER-M2 | W-PER-M2 |
WindDirectionSensor | DEG | DEG | DEG |
WindSpeedSensor | Degree | Degree | Degree |
Connector Concept | Mapped Type |
Weather Station | Virtual_Weather_Station |
Measurements | DewpointSensor, PrecipitationSensor, RelativeHumiditySensor, SeaLevelAirPressureSensor, SnowAccumulationSensor, SolarIrradianceSensor, WindDirectionSensor, WindSpeedSensor |
To access data from the Weatherbit Connector, once it's enabled, you'll can make a call to things and filter it for "Weather_Station". If you have multiple buildings with Weatherbit set up, you'll likely want to retrieve data for each individual Weather Station, which is easiest by just filtering by the specific Weather Station's ID:
Request ResponseCopy1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
{ things(filter: {id: {eq: "THGGfFWQ4BAQ3X5fAQou5ewuV"}}) { id name exactType points { id name series(latest: true) { timestamp value { float64Value } } } } }
If you're unsure what the unit of measure is for each value, include the unit field under points:
Request ResponseCopy1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
{ things(filter: {id: {eq: "THGGfFWQ4BAQ3X5fAQou5ewuV"}}) { id name exactType points { id name unit { name } series(latest: true) { timestamp value { float64Value } } } } }
Click here for the docs on things, here for the docs on points, and here for the docs on filtering.